Intro to the series:

The purpose of this series is to highlight programs/investors to improve diversity within the PE/VC space at all stages of a VC’s career ranging from support when starting their own fund to support at the start of their careers. This part is focused on resources for females. Part 1 was focused on resources for emerging managers, Part 2 was focused on females. I am having to cut Part 3 into three sections, so Managers, and Aspiring VCs will have their own section. Part 4 (this is also going to be cut into pieces) will be my commentary and observations on the state of diversity in the VC/PE space and where the community as a whole can improve.


Goal of this article is to highlight numerous resources for Black/Latinx/Indigenous/Veteran/Disabled/Immigrant/Age-specific aspiring VCs. The intention of this post is to highlight specific PAID VC/PE internship/fellowship programs geared towards creating a pipeline of diverse talent.

Please click on the name of the resource to see the page related to their VC program/criteria, let me know if any information is inaccurate or outdated.

Strategies for Underrepresented aspiring VCs in general:

See existing material from David Teten here:

  1. Learn as much as you can about VC. As a start, you can take the venture deals course as minimum (they normally offer a spring and fall session).
  2. Find VC who shares the same diverse background as yourself.
  3. Reach out to them and ask if you can intern. Students are generally the ones getting the most attention for taking this approach, but I have seen seasoned LPs do this with their portfolio funds as well.
  4. When crafting your message it should be something like the following:
    Love note: you tell them why they are the best VC in the world and perfect for you.
    Value add: you talk about where you can add value in terms of any of: sourcing, due diligence, portfolio support, or research for investment theses.
  5. You followup in a week (show them that your approach is real).

Resources for Underrepresented aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

Impact Capital Mosaic Fellowship: targets students, last year 19 fellows were placed in 17 funds.

Raven Capital Partners (Canada): will sometimes hold a fellowship

Resources for Black aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

Black Venture Capital Consortium: offers internships that should pay up to $14K for interns and up to $70K for fellows.

BLCK VC’s NYC Path Program: Not sure if paid or not.

HBCUVC Fellowship: connecting students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to VC opportunities (examples include Intel Capital).

Resources for Indigenous aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

Go knock on the doors of: Relevance Ventures, Native American Venture Fund, Raven Capital Partners and ask them if you can intern. These firms advertise that they invest in the Indigenous community. I am certain they will be willing to invest in you (as the future of your community).

Resources for LatinX aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

LatinX VC Fellowship: Have between 2–7 years of full-time experience and are interested in VC.

Mendoza Ventures MBA Fellowship: internship geared towards underrepresented groups in the US.

Resources for AAPI aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

~~~~~ Nothing at this time :( . Happy to be proven wrong.

Resources for Veteran aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

Defense Ventures Fellowship: 8 week fellowship designed to help former/current military immerse themselves into VC/tech.

Trusted Capital Innovation Tours: collaboration between VC/PE firms and the DoD’s Trusted Capital program.

Resources for Disabled aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

~~~~~ Nothing at this time :( . Happy to be proven wrong.

Resources for Immigrant aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

Unshackled Ventures offers a fellowship.

Resources for Older aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

~~~~~ Nothing at this time :( . Happy to be proven wrong.

Resources for Returning Citizen aspiring VCs:

These fellowships/internships should be paid. If they are not, let me know they will be promptly removed.

~~~~~ Nothing at this time :( . Happy to be proven wrong.



Muieen Cader

I write about Venture Capital. Previous VC experience with Betatron. Advisor to startups (across the globe) and sailor.